A river trip just isn’t complete without some river games. Check out some of the games we play and things we bring!
“Start them young.” River trips are a lifetime passion that you can pass on to your children and or grandchildren. Multi-day river trips are similar to car camping with lots of room for gear and good food. The biggest difference is that boats can get you to more remote areas than a vehicle and there is just one way to go, “down”.
The Missouri River offers stress free paddling due to its wide and shallow waters and a complete lack of snags, rocks, and rapids. Our trips are the perfect time to unplug from technology because there is no cell phone service and plenty of stuff to see and do around you. It’s a great time to be a kid, play in the mud, hike, play games, swim and hunt for treasures.
Family tents- we have larger canvas wall tents that fit families and allow for more room.
3 person canoes- if you want the kids with you or with the guides, we offer 3 seat canoes that allow for more room and a middle passenger.
Car seats- although we don’t have car seats. We will make sure to bring yours in our passenger vans. Just give them to us on the morning of the trip.
Life vests- we have kids life vests. However, if you have some that your kids prefer please bring them. We can compare once you arrive.
This all depends on the ages of the kids, the paddling experience of adults and the guest ratio. However, generally speaking, 2 kids 10 and under can fit in one canoe with 1 or 2 adults or both kids can be split up into guides boats. Guides are good with kids and have a variety of games and trick to choose from
Kids on the river don’t require extra gear. However, pack what you would normally pack for a car trip (example: markers, coloring book, games, etc.)
We provide plenty of food and alternative options for kids. However, we do not provide chips, candy, or snack bars. We provide healthy, well-balanced meals with fresh fruit, veggies and homemade desserts. We are confident that your child will have plenty to eat and we always have some leftover fruit and dessert for snacks.
It truly depend on the child. As parents and teachers, we know that every child is different. They need to be able to swim independently and sit for 3-hour durations in the canoe every day.